The relationship between plant species and climatic factors is always a fundamental subject in plant ecology and using multivariate statistical methods, can be effective in detecting the relationship between these environmental factors and distribution of plant species. In this study in order to investigation of the climatic factors, salinity levels and soil type that affect the species plants types containing the Salvadora persica in addition to soil and water conservation in the areas under its distribution in Iran , antimicrobial , anti - wound , anti - infectious and anti - corrosive effects were investigated for this reason in the first step all climatic factors affecting the distribution of vegetation in Iran were studied and spatial distribution map of all these factors was drawn across the surface of Iran. In the next step, only effective climatic factors on distribution of plant types that containing salvadora persica were evaluated in around of Iran. the results showed that in all of Iran, 9 factors of temperature, relative humidity, winter precipitation, summer precipitation, average wind speed, semi-cloudy days, thunderstorm and snowy day with eigenvalues greater than one were 29.71, 22.32, 9.58, 7.52, 6.22, 6.80, 4.25, 3.69, 2.22 percent respectively and totally explained 92.35% of the variance the data. Since the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of climatic factors on the distribution of plant types including Salvadora persica in Iran. In the next stage, It was identified that in the regions under the distribution of this species (salvadora persica) in south of Iran The five factors of temperature, relative humidity, summer precipitations, wind and thunderstorm play a major role in the distribution of this species. Also by matching the pixels that containing this species with maps of soil type and salinity levels of Iranian soils was apparent that in areas where the above species are distributed as pure types (Salvadora persica) the soil type is semi-humid lithocell and salinity level is with low to relatively high salinity. And in areas that the above species are distributed in combination with Prosopis cineraria in the form of Prosopis cineraria - Salvadora persica types the soil type is sandy and salinity level is with low to relatively high salinity. The consequence of these factors has caused the distribution of this species to be confined to southern regions of Iran.