Baltica Journal
Baltica Journal

Baltica Journal

Baltica (ISSN: 0067-3064) provides a rostrum for original and peer-review papers of international interests on various science issues. The basic themes, as Baltica`s Vol.1 published in 1963 reads, are "the history of Baltic Sea and recent dynamics". However, the multidisciplinary science system are far-reaching, therefore the renewed Baltica Journal announces acceptance from 2004 papers relevant to whole engineering and life sciences. Baltica is publishing original peer-reviewed papers of international interests on various sciences issues. The journal structure comprises original articles, short reviews, information, and bibliography. Since 2008, the edition is ranked in ISI Thomson Reuters Web of Science list. Baltica is currently abstracted in the following databases: Thomson Reuters: Web of Science, Science Citation Index Expanded, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases: SCOPUS, Infortrac and Science Resource Center; EBSCO host: Current Abstracts, TOC Premier; Ulrich's; DOAJ and Index Copernicus.

Latest Published Papers:

Journal Citation Reports (JCR2024) ®

Source: Thomson Reuters Citation Data
Impact Factor: 0.727
5-Year Impact Factor: 1.064
Average Impact Factor: 35.106
Eigen factor Score: 0.0001
Article Influence Score: 0.117
Science Citation Index Expanded
Web of Science
Also Evaluated In:
Languages: English
- Multidisciplinary Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Theoretical Sciences
Selected hot papers in each issue are sponsored by the publisher to be included free of charge.

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